

Cuppy Puppy


My name is Jesse Wren, i’m the person behind this puppy blog. I started keeping pets as a hobby at 12 years old- with help from my father. I was instantly hooked by the beauty and diversity of these amazing animals, from their loyalty, awesomeness to their feeding habits.
In the years that followed, I have developed an expertise in caring for puppies and adult dogs alike through trial-and-error and extensive research into how to keep them happy and healthy.

Cuppy Puppy was founded in August 2021. It was founded to provide genuine information about the pets we keep and love. We acknowledge the challenges pet parents face. Instead of lying around hoping the challenges go away on their own, we face them head-on…Together.

At Cuppy Puppy, we believe our pets are part of the family, and the family deserves the best. That’s why we’re committed to helping pet parents like you give your pup everything they need to live happier, healthier, and longer lives. No unfamiliar ingredients, shady policies, or outsourced customer service reps. Just honest, high-quality guides and advice by pet parents, for pet parents.

We do justice to a relationship with a dog when we honor it as it is—a
dog, a creature who, for all we may understand about it, is still fraught
with mystery.

I & Dog

Now that’s something to bark about.

PS: If you have any questions, comments or experiences to share, reach us at admin@cuppypuppy.com. Let us grow together!

Jesse & Cuppy Puppy Team.