My Dog Ate A Bar Of Soap: What Should I Do Now?

When they’ve gone to bed, you’re surprised to wake up and discover they’ve eaten something even more bizarre than before. Most dogs love soap. Do you know, for example, that several dogs have a real passion for soap? If your dog ate a bar of soap, you’re sure they are not the only one. Many …

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What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate A Banana Peel?

Some dogs are very sensitive to foods, but they will accept most items with no problem. That is true of a dog’s stomach-but for the rest of them, some things are okay for digestion…and It’s no wonder why they love the sweet taste of bananas, as they are known for consuming a large quantity of …

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My Dog Ate A Balloon: What Should I Do Now?

You know what happened when you gave your dog the food you weren’t supposed to? It’s okay, you were probably just as nervous as they were Dogs will eat almost anything, including some things that you’d rather they didn’t eat. If you notice that your dog has eaten a balloon and immediately remove it, you …

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What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Baking Soda?

Baking soda is an ingredient that is seen everywhere in the home, even when people aren’t fully aware of when they bought it. Your dog may eat some baking soda, but it’s mostly used for many different purposes. Baking soda is not always toxic to dogs, but they should probably avoid it. If your dog …

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My Dog Ate Aquaphor: What Should I Do Now?

Most dogs eat strange substances, both healthy and unhealthy, even if some are poisonous. Consequently, some dog owners have tried to ‘pet-proof’ their homes. Despite taking measures to protect her, your pet might still climb in things it shouldn’t. Some dogs like the feel of Aquaphor jelly. It is important to avoid putting Aquaphor on …

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What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate An Ant Trap?

When you have a pet, you accept that the floor is your territory and anything which ends up lying on the ground is at risk of getting your pet’s stomach. #2) Create your own writing. You can do it in an essay or a journal. I have While this rule applies to the traps, it …

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My Dog Ate Aluminum Foil: What Should I Do Now?

Though aluminum isn’t very toxic to people, it can be fatal for animals, and dogs are especially sensitive to it. For this small dog’s health, it’s best to keep it away from aluminum foil. Big dogs, on the other side of the fence, are less likely to be poisoned by eating aluminium foil, but dogs …

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What Should You Do if Your Dog Ate Adderall?

It’s very difficult to control a hyperactive dog, and the medication that works for most pet owners (such as Adderall) should never be used with them because it’s not made for pets. If your pet dog has eaten Adderall, contact your vet immediately because it can be fatal for animals. For instance, Adderall will cause …

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Why Is Your Dog Acting Weird After Flea Medicine?

Flea and tick treatments are an important part of keeping your dog healthy, and help protect them from the diseases they could bring. The reaction to a particular medicine may vary greatly from dog to dog. If your dog’s unusual behavior or illness is not a good sign, you should talk to your vet right …

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How to Stop Dogs from Jumping on People

Stop dogs jumping on people

Why do you think your dogs love jumping on people? Tell me the first thing that came to your mind in the comment section below! Well, dogs say hello to each other by licking their muzzles and sniffing each other’s faces. We are much taller than dogs, even when they stand on their hind legs. …

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